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We understand life after serving can be tough to navigate. That's why the VIC is dedicated to serving Veterans and their families. 



The Veterans Integration Center (VIC®), A 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2005, is a resource for Veterans and their families in New Mexico. The VIC provides a multitude of services including multiple housing assistance options, peer support, food and nutrition, and case management services to Veterans, their families and the community.

As a proactive and innovative agency that primarily serves literally and at-risk homeless Veterans and their families, the VIC’s extensive outreach efforts have earned a trusted reputation from numerous communities across New Mexico, especially in the expansive rural areas where few resources exist for those in need. This includes our highly rural Veteran and Native American populations throughout New Mexico.

In many locations, the VIC has developed strong partnerships with local programs that enable others to help our nation’s Heroes and their families seamlessly. In other situations, VIC staff will travel to any part of the state to provide support and bring the services to the Veteran client.


To enable Veterans and their families to achieve stable housing, financial security, and a renewed sense of community.


A world where everyone has a place to call home and our nation’s Heroes and their families are supported and respected.

Donations help the Veterans Integration Centers provide vital services to Veterans. These include:

  • Emergency, Transitional and Rapid Re-Housing that provides multiple housing options and housing placement assistance, case management, clothing and furniture, to address the problems that contributed to their homelessness.

  • Food Pantry provides a monthly food box to Veterans and their families, Surviving Spouses of Veterans, and impoverished community members who reside in the 87123 area of Albuquerque.

  • Community Shuttle available Monday-Friday with fixed-route stops at over 11 essential social service locations in the downtown Albuquerque corridor, including the Alvarado Transportation Center, Social Security Office and Main Library.



In addition to grants received from multiple government agencies, the VIC relies on donations from the community to help support Veterans and their families. All donations are tax deductible and help fulfill the unmet needs of our Veteran families.

At the VIC, we pride ourselves in having 90% of our staff who are Veterans or the family member of a Veteran. We believe our personal experiences help us better understand and empathize with Veterans and their families and the unique struggles they may be going through. We are passionate about providing assistance to Veterans and their families, and are willing to go above the call of duty to help them “beyond the battlefield” of conflict or life.

Our Most Recent Financials & Annual Report

The VIC's fiscal year runs from October 1 of one calendar year through September 30 of the next.


FY 22 Tax Return

FY 22 Annual Report

HEADQUARTERS | (505) 296-0800
2701 Mulberry St. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Fax: (505) 332-8092 

CENTRAL OFFICE | (505) 296-0800
13032 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
Fax: (505) 266-2609

2701 Mulberry St. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
Fax: (505) 332-8092 

ALAMOGORDO OFFICE | (575) 551-6659
1900 23rd Street, Alamogordo, NM 88310
Fax: (505) 266-2609 

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© 2005-2022 Veterans Integration Centers | PRIVACY POLICY | TERMS OF USE

The Veterans Integration Center (VIC®) is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax deductible.

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